angel's place header image


Picture of me!


December 30, 2024: New index and error pages! Changes in navigation text.

December 29, 2024: The gird layout areas are fixed (mostly)! Updated colors of the layout.Background pattern from

December 20, 2024: Website header art update! Changed regular font to Comic Neue, adjusted grid settings, and added a scrollbar to "Updates"! :( discovered a booboo with my grid and I need to fix it for real... 💔

December 19, 2024: New website layout from scratch! None of the naviagation links work, but at least I know how to insert images from my computer and create this baby layout!!

November 27, 2024: Template from, bless you!

Site Birthday: November 24, 2024 ♐(Sagittarius)♐

♡About Me♡

Hey there, I'm a wee webmaster, and you can call me Angel! This site is dedicated to my interests and hobbies. As a kinky, queer, artist, I hope to also provide resources and a welcoming space for others who share my interests!

I've spent a long time trying to make a haven for myself online, but so often I find a mix bag of good and bad. Between being censored from platforms, hated on, and kiddos under 18 trying to enter my spaces. I'm hoping the indie web might be the answer for me .

All this being said, my site is 18+ and if you are a minor, please come back (if you're still interested) when you're older! That would be totally cool (in the future)!

I'm hoping with time, I can build up this site to share some of my favorite things, and also provide a resource of sorts online, that I wish I found more of when entering the scene.

pixel humus standing